Extraction Search – Strategic Individual Hires

Intermediary Services for candidate or role specific hires.

The hiring process need not be complicated and stressful when you know exactly who you want or what you want and where you want them from.  Unfortunately, being conscious of the reputational exposure that may affect your firm, you are somewhat handcuffed by the restrictions that are placed upon you in reaching out to these potentially perfect hires.

This is where working with an experienced Headhunter who understands the intricacies and confidentiality obligations that are essential to achieving a successful hire makes sense. 

In this situation, FINCO Search will act as a professional intermediary on behalf of your firm, maintaining confidentiality at all times whilst making initial contacts to establish engagement and then interest in the process as follows:

  • Extensive background search to establish and present key names in the role(s) you are looking to fill if not already known to you
  • Identify public presence and contact information where available for the identified target hire(s)
  • Soft first contact is made through the obtained details or through LinkedIn
    • This is repeated on 3 additional occasions spread over a 10-week period to take into account absences and holidays
  • Second contact is made within 7 days of first contact being acknowledged to build rapport and establish an appetite for a career move discussion
  • Advise you, the hiring client, if the candidate is not interested in a move at this time to explore other options
  • If interested in hearing about opportunities, advise them, in confidence and with anonymity, about the opportunity with you – making it clear that they were identified as a candidate of interest
  • Should the candidate be engaged further at this time, then with authorisation only from you, would the details on your firm be disclosed
  • If the candidate wishes to learn more, then at this point in the process we would arrange for an initial discussion (Teams/Zoom etc.) between the hiring parties and the candidate to move forward the process to an ideal conclusion.
  • Continue to monitor progress, in case it is established by the hirer or the candidate that the role is not right for them, so as to explore other pre-identified candidates and re-start the contact chain as described above.  

As FINCO Search act as a confidential intermediary throughout this process, all parties are able to ensure that reputational management is observed at all times.

If you are looking at strategic growth through multiple hires (team/desk moves) or have an interest in complementary mergers and/or acquisitions the the partners at FINCO Search have extensive experience as intermediaries in this space too. To find out more on these services, please click on either of the photos below:

Commodity Headhunters

Mergers and Acquisitions

Acting as search intermediary to identify suitable prospects or as a confidential introducer to those already in view.

commodity jobs

Team (Desk) Moves

Engaged as an extraction search intermediary for the acquisition of multiple hires from individual or groups of firms.

Whichever option is relevant to the growth plans of your business by speaking to an impartial advisor who knows the relevant market information will give you confidence to progress the options available to you. FINCO Search will deliver to you a suitable proposal after an initial consultation.

For a confidential initial discussion on the intermediary extraction services from FINCO Search please contact our partners on:

EUROPE +44 203 927 5080
USA +1 646 813 9703
APAC +65 3158 1080

To request a confidential discussion please complete the form below